I woke up to what I thought would be a warm day but by midday it was absolutely freezing, I really wanted to film this outfit, so I suffered through.This whole outfit was created by shopping my stash. Shopping your stash is when you look through the items you already own and rekindle the love you have for these items, sometimes you even find things you forgot you had.
Another way of shopping your stash is to break away from your usual combinations, so lets say you usually wear your favourite red pencil skirt with a white shirt, then try a different combination, perhaps a monochromatic look (head to toe one colour) or choosing different accessories. Mixing and matching clothing can create endless combinations. So the next time time you cant find something to wear, break out of your box and be a little more daring, and mix it up.

Jacket- Borrowed from my sis
Shirt- River Island
Skirt- Primark
Belt- New Look
Shoes- Matalan