The luxe look for less

Wednesday 6 July 2016

My Updated Skincare Routine

I'm really terrible at skincare, but I'm trying to be better, I have been really consistent and been sticking to these products for the past 6 months now.

My routine is different dependent on if I wear makeup or not. 

Problem areas: I have oily skin and dark spots on my cheeks so I mostly try to work on those. Its supposedly summer right now (not in the U.K.) so I have been working on reducing oils around my t-zone.

These are the products I use:

I remove makeup with Garnier Miscellar Water on a cotton pad, then  I would apply the St Ives Green Tea Cleanser, its very drying and helps to reduce oil. I then brush with this amazing brush from Primark which was only £1.00. The bristles are dense and really give you a deep exfoliated cleanse. I rinse then lather generously Coconut Oil on my face and neck.

In the morning I rinse with water and apply La Roche Posay Cleanser, I pat dry with a paper towel. I use a paper towel as ordinary towels become dirty very quickly as they pick up dust and dirt very easily. I then apply Superdrugs Vitamin E Serum followed by their Vitamin E Moisturising Cream.

So that's it, I think its pretty simple. I have been doing this routine for about three months now and im really pleased with the reduction in spots and dark scars.

On my body I use Pears soap or shower gel only, no smell goods, no other brands, my skin used to be very sensitive where it would easily turn red, produce small wails or rashes for no apparent reason and ever since I made the change I haven't had any of those issues.

I moisturise with Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil Gel , Cocoa Butter and sometimes 
Coconut Oil.

Let me know in the comments what your skincare routine is like. 
Thanks for reading.


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